Chopra’s Mahabharat aired, which was after the end of Ramayan’s original run. Many people used to go to their neighbors’ homes, and in many places, many people gathered to watch it - buses and trucks used to stop during the telecast of this serial.Īt the time it aired, Ramayan quickly rose to become the most popular program in the history of Indian television, a title it held until B. You can guess this by the fact that a person who has access to Tv, leaving all his work and stopping to see this serial.
The Ramayan serial of Ramanand Sagar was very popular in the Indian public. In the link below, you will find the way to watch Uttar Ramayn’s all episodes. Ramanand Sagar’s Uttar Ramayan has a total of 44 episodes. It is also known as Uttar Ramayan, featuring mostly the same cast and production crew. In July 1988, after the ending of Ramayan serial, a follow-up series Luv Kush based on the last chapter of Ramayana Uttara Kanda aired from 1988 to 1989 on DD National. Episode 78 Additional Information on Ramayan Serial By Ramanand Sagar Uttar Ramayan All Episodes Ramayanam Sun Tv Serial Episode 150 Free Download ramayanam episode, ramayanam episode 1, ramayanam episode 11, ramayanam episode 108, ramayanam episode 16, ramayanam episode 13, ramayanam episode 10, ramayanam episode 15, ramayanam episode 28, ramayanam episode 30, ramayanam episode 29, ramayanam episode 104.